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              首頁 - 社會化媒體總監 > 社會化媒體總監崗位職責


              發布于:2024-02-06 12:29 作者:地卜

              數字化營銷和社會化媒體總監 MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES:

              ? Leads the organization in driving overall digital acumen, expertise and curiosity.

              ? Maps the consumer digital path to purchase and collaborates with Marketing

              Directors and Director of Ecommerce to ensure an integrated, consumer-centric

              digital brand experience.

              ? Collaborates with internal teams to optimize branding sites for SEO and social

              outposts for lead generation.

              ? Partners with key vendors to develop disruptive digital ideas to increase brand

              visibility and engagement (e.g. Google, Facebook, wechat,微博,etc.).

              ? Identifies optimal social and influencer outposts to attract new users.

              ? Consults with brand teams to develop retargeting sequences with customized ads

              to drive increased conversion.

              ? Identifies best practices, trends and emerging technologies/platforms/apps.

              Collaborates with IT to develop internal marketing interfaces/systems.

              ? Leads exploitation of DMP via retargeting and CRM programs.

              Key Performance Indicators/Key Figures:

              ? Educating the marketing organization to be digital thought-leaders.

              ? Ensuring clear KPI and tracking in-year progress with the brand teams.

              ? Driving a digital agenda in a traditional marketing organization.


              ? Bachelor Degree in Business, Communications, Marketing, or Computer Science.

              ? Solid MS Office skills – PowerPoint, Excel, Word.

              Strong project and product management expertise.

              ? Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills

              ? Strong analytical and creative problem solving skills.

              Previous/Professional Experience

              ? Minimum 8-10 years of experience in a Digital Marketing role; familiar with social

              media,TMT industry

              ? Analytic mindset and insight mining capability a must.

              ? Ability to distill complex data into clear and meaningful recommendations.

              ? Digital Marketing skills and experience

              ? Deep experience with analytics tools and synthesis.

              ? Experience with paid media strategy and audience channel mapping.

              ? Exceptional internal communications skills both verbal and written.

              Collaborative mindset is essential.

              薪資可談,有期權。 MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES:

              ? Leads the organization in driving overall digital acumen, expertise and curiosity.

              ? Maps the consumer digital path to purchase and collaborates with Marketing

              Directors and Director of Ecommerce to ensure an integrated, consumer-centric

              digital brand experience.

              ? Collaborates with internal teams to optimize branding sites for SEO and social

              outposts for lead generation.

              ? Partners with key vendors to develop disruptive digital ideas to increase brand

              visibility and engagement (e.g. Google, Facebook, wechat,微博,etc.).

              ? Identifies optimal social and influencer outposts to attract new users.

              ? Consults with brand teams to develop retargeting sequences with customized ads

              to drive increased conversion.

              ? Identifies best practices, trends and emerging technologies/platforms/apps.

              Collaborates with IT to develop internal marketing interfaces/systems.

              ? Leads exploitation of DMP via retargeting and CRM programs.

              Key Performance Indicators/Key Figures:

              ? Educating the marketing organization to be digital thought-leaders.

              ? Ensuring clear KPI and tracking in-year progress with the brand teams.

              ? Driving a digital agenda in a traditional marketing organization.


              ? Bachelor Degree in Business, Communications, Marketing, or Computer Science.

              ? Solid MS Office skills – PowerPoint, Excel, Word.

              Strong project and product management expertise.

              ? Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills

              ? Strong analytical and creative problem solving skills.

              Previous/Professional Experience

              ? Minimum 8-10 years of experience in a Digital Marketing role; familiar with social

              media,TMT industry

              ? Analytic mindset and insight mining capability a must.

              ? Ability to distill complex data into clear and meaningful recommendations.

              ? Digital Marketing skills and experience

              ? Deep experience with analytics tools and synthesis.

              ? Experience with paid media strategy and audience channel mapping.

              ? Exceptional internal communications skills both verbal and written.

              Collaborative mindset is essential.




              標簽: # 總監




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